14 Dec 2015
16th International Conference on Integrated Care A Movement for Change: Enabling People-Centred and Integrated Health and Social Care to take place in Barcelona, 23-25 May 2016
The 16th International Conference on Integrated Care will take place in Barcelona from 23-25 May 2016. The conference is co-hosted with PIAISS of the Catalan Government, Hospital Clinic Barcelona (HCB), Forum ITESSS and the Tic Salut Foundation.
All accepted abstracts will be published in the International Journal of Integrated Care (Impact Factor 1.500) Accepted abstracts will appear in the programme as a formal oral presentation, workshop or as a poster to be displayed in the exhibition area, as deemed appropriate by the scientific committee. All accepted abstracts will compete for the IFIC Annual Integrated Care Award. Selected abstracts will compete for the Best Poster Award.
To find out more about the Congress please follow the link here.
Find out more about the abstract submission process, including further information on the congress themes.
IFICs Twitter Account is @IFICinfo. The congress hashtag is #ICIC16. We will be tweeting updates about the congress so make sure to follow us and please feel free to retweet our messages or tweet about your own involvement in the congress.