ilpn_themes | Quality and Outcomes
TAGGED: Quality and Outcomes
18 May 2015
We’re just not getting it right. How should we provide care to older people with multi-morbid chronic conditions?
2010 Conference Presentation Outcomes and quality
18 May 2015
Performance and quality indicators for evidence-based long-term care
2010 Conference Presentation Outcomes and quality
18 May 2015
Trends in long-term care complexity that impact service provision in Catalonia: a 5-year analysis
2010 Conference Presentation Outcomes and quality Spain
18 May 2015
Program zichtbare zore: the use of quality indicators in the dutch residential & domiciliary care
2010 Conference Presentation Outcomes and quality
18 May 2015
The impact of demographic change, co-morbidity and European care policies on the choice of care arrangement
2010 Conference Presentation Outcomes and quality EU
18 May 2015
Older persons: a welfare resource in both Spain and Sweden
2014 Conference Presentation Outcomes and quality SpainSweden
15 May 2015
Potential and challenges of online service quality feedback mechanisms to support service consumption decisions
2014 Conference Presentation Outcomes and quality EnglandUnited Kingdom
15 May 2015
What affect residents’ nursing homes satisfaction: Italy versus Ontario experiences
2014 Conference Presentation Outcomes and qualityResidential Care CanadaItaly
09 May 2015
Factors associated with unpaid carers’ quality of life: The similarities and differences between ethnic groups
2014 Conference Presentation Informal care EnglandUnited Kingdom
09 May 2015
Insights into the work lives of health support workers in Canada
2014 Conference Presentation Workforce Canada
09 May 2015
Measuring outcomes of long-term care: the US experience
2012 Conference Presentation Outcomes and quality United States
09 May 2015
Measuring outcomes of long-term care
2012 Conference Presentation Outcomes and quality EnglandUnited Kingdom
09 May 2015
The impact of LTC systems on life satisfaction
2012 Conference Presentation Outcomes and quality The Netherlands
07 May 2015
Help for elderly in European countries
2012 Conference Presentation (Inter)national systems The Netherlands
07 May 2015
Is the quality of home care for older people in England improving? Evidence from a survey of publicly-funded service
2012 Conference Presentation Outcomes and quality EnglandUnited Kingdom
06 May 2015
Developing adjusted indicators of quality from survey data
2012 Conference Presentation Outcomes and quality EnglandUnited Kingdom
06 May 2015
Examining the relationship between organisational culture and the quality of care: early findings from the CHOICE
2012 Conference Presentation Outcomes and quality EnglandScotlandUnited KingdomWales